Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Staying Motivated

How many times have we said… “I’ll start tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, etc…”  We all know we need exercise, but some days are harder than others to get moving. Let’s see if we can find a motivate to help us develop and maintain an active lifestyle.

First, it’s always good to ask yourself, why you do exercise on the days that you do. Are you trying to get in shape for a race or an event? Is it to lose weight, to get stronger, to increase your energy, your happiness, to gain muscle mass, to look good for that certain someone, to get off medications, etc…? What is it that gets you to lace up your shoes and walk out that door? Whatever it is, there is a reason! Write that reason down!

Whatever reason you have written down, it is BEST to set goals, daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly. This is a lifelong habit you will need to create. But this is not just with exercise; it is with everything you do in life. Whether it is to earn an education, a career, develop a talent, succeed in sports or music, etc… You have to set goals!!! Write those down. 

Here is a list of tips that may help...
  • ·         Set Goals, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly
  • ·         Write those goals down
  • ·         Take a picture of yourself each month
  • ·         Join a gym
  • ·         Hire a personal trainer, 95% effective
  • ·         Workout with a friend
  • ·         Sign up for an event, or a corporate challenge
  • ·         Listen to music
  • ·         Change your music
  • ·         Change your exercise routine
  • ·         Participate in a group exercise class
  • ·         Give yourself a weekly, or monthly challenge, or whatever it maybe
  • ·         Reward yourself with something you cannot resist
  • ·         Choose an exercise you like
Just remember… those that succeed are those who never never give up! 

“In a year, you will look back and wish you had started today!”

What motivates you? Let me know!

Jackie Berg
Certified Personal Trainer and Massage Therapy Practitioner

Monday, September 27, 2010

Make a Plan Now!

As the year is coming to an end, so are the holidays. Four holidays in just three months. Make a plan now to start or continue with your health and fitness goals. Now is the time! If you wait, it's too late.

What are you doing now? What could you do a little more of? And what are you going to do when the holidays are upon us?

If you currently do not have an exercise program, start with something simple that you enjoy. Biking, hiking, brisk walking, dancing, etc.. There are so many things to do. All it is, is just doing it. Something is definitely a lot better then nothing. Find what motivates you, music, competition, body image, etc.. and go for it. You need to decide now how many times a week, for how long, and at what intensity. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate-intense exercise on most days of the week. Of course, something is better than nothing at all. MOVE YOUR BODY NOW!

If you're a consistent exerciser you may want to review your workout program and make adjustments now so you don't get bored throughout the holiday season. Add more variety, intensity, or more dynamic movements. This will help keep your interest, while still challenging your body.

So, now that you have set your goals, how are you going to maintain this throughout the holiday season? Hummm, ideas? Well, what already now keeps you from sticking to an exercise program and being consistent? Family, friends, procrastination, time, work, school, etc...
Plan, Prepare, Prioritize NOW!  

Make a Plan NOW to starting exercising if you are not already.
Prepare yourself NOW for the challenges and obstacles that will arise (food, family, traveling, etc...).
Prioritize your schedule NOW. Those things that we usually do last, are usually the things we should do first.
NOW go, do, and enjoy!

call  Jackie Berg, Certified Personal Trainer

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Benefits of Exercise!

In the health and fitness profession, I get the question all the time of why exercise is important, or why we    should exercise.

Remember, the word Exercise is a lot different from Activities of Daily Living (ADL's). There are two types of exercise, Cardiovascular (Cardio) and Strength Training. Cardio exercise strengthens the heart and lungs, while Strength Training is for our muscles and bones.

Cardio exercise involves getting the heart rate up for a sustained amount of time (ex: 30 minutes). Examples of Cardio exercise are: basketball, jogging, biking, hiking, brisk walking, soccer, ellpitical trainer, etc...

Strengthen training involves lifting a weighted object against gravity multiple times to increase or maintain the strength of a muscle. We need both Cardio and Strength Training Exercises.

ADL's are those activity, such as, washing the dishes, folding the laundry, cleaning the bathroom, gardening, mowing the lawn, chasing kids, etc.... While ADL's still burn calories, it's from the EXERCISE that we see the benefits.

Listed below are just a few of the BENEFITS OF EXERCISE

↓   Premature death                                                       
↓   Risk of developing and/or dying from heart disease      
↓   High Blood Pressure                                                   
↓   High Cholesterol                                                         
↓   Colon cancer and breast cancer                                   
↓   Risk of developing diabetes                                         
↓   Body fat and body weight                                            
↓   Depression and anxiety                                               
↓   Workload on the heart                                                                                                                
↓   Blood triglycerides
↑  Muscle mass, bones, and  joints                                                                                        
↑  Glucose tolerance and reduced insulin resistance
↑  Strength of tendons and ligaments
↑  Flexibility
↑  Strength, balance, and functional ability
↑  Energy level and happiness
↑  Psychological well-being    
↑  HDL (good) Cholesterol 
↑  Threshold for lactic acid accumulation
↑  Blood supply to muscles      
↑  Blood volume
↑  Maximal cardiac output
↑  Heart and lungs function
↑  VO2max
↑  Sport and recreation performance
↑  Work performance