Saturday, November 26, 2011

Want to Stay Warm This Winter?

There are many ways to stay warm this winter:
  • wearing more clothes
  • eating warmer foods (soups, stews)
  • drinking lots more water (increases circulation)
  • increasing the temperature at home (increases the power bill payment...ugh)
Another way to stay warm is to...EXERCISE!!! Have you ever noticed after you've exercised how much warmer you stay throughout the day! I can't help to smile a bit when my friends, fellow co-workers or associates look at me and say, "It's freezing in here," when I am thinking why is it so hot!

How does exercise keep us warm? As we exercise, our breathing increases to supply more oxygen to the blood and tissues. Our heart rate increases to circulate the blood which carries the oxygen throughout the body, specifically to our muscles. Our arteries dialate so our muslces can absorb or consume the oxygen and nutrients from the blood. As this happens, our muscles generate heat and burn more energy or calories. That is why we sweat when we workout.

We need both cardiovascular and strength training in our workout routine. As the heart is a muscle too. The most important one!

People who have a reguarly workout routine have conditioned their bodies to burn more energy at rest through a strength training program, as well as maintaining circulation through a cardiovascular training program.

By exercising just 5x's a week for at least 30 minutes, at moderate/vigours intensity, you can achieve these results.

So what are you waiting for, get out and EXERCISE and stay warm this Winter season!

NOTE: if you exercise outside, dress appropriately!

Jackie Berg, CPT, LMT