Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Staying Motivated

How many times have we said… “I’ll start tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, etc…”  We all know we need exercise, but some days are harder than others to get moving. Let’s see if we can find a motivate to help us develop and maintain an active lifestyle.

First, it’s always good to ask yourself, why you do exercise on the days that you do. Are you trying to get in shape for a race or an event? Is it to lose weight, to get stronger, to increase your energy, your happiness, to gain muscle mass, to look good for that certain someone, to get off medications, etc…? What is it that gets you to lace up your shoes and walk out that door? Whatever it is, there is a reason! Write that reason down!

Whatever reason you have written down, it is BEST to set goals, daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly. This is a lifelong habit you will need to create. But this is not just with exercise; it is with everything you do in life. Whether it is to earn an education, a career, develop a talent, succeed in sports or music, etc… You have to set goals!!! Write those down. 

Here is a list of tips that may help...
  • ·         Set Goals, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly
  • ·         Write those goals down
  • ·         Take a picture of yourself each month
  • ·         Join a gym
  • ·         Hire a personal trainer, 95% effective
  • ·         Workout with a friend
  • ·         Sign up for an event, or a corporate challenge
  • ·         Listen to music
  • ·         Change your music
  • ·         Change your exercise routine
  • ·         Participate in a group exercise class
  • ·         Give yourself a weekly, or monthly challenge, or whatever it maybe
  • ·         Reward yourself with something you cannot resist
  • ·         Choose an exercise you like
Just remember… those that succeed are those who never never give up! 

“In a year, you will look back and wish you had started today!”

What motivates you? Let me know!

Jackie Berg
Certified Personal Trainer and Massage Therapy Practitioner